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What Mesut Ozil and Nicolas Pepe tell us about Kai Havertz

If Arsenal gets Kai Havertz, he will be a direct replacement to Mesut Ozil. But is it even worth thinking about? Yes, and Mesut Ozil tells us why.

Kai Havertz has been the name on everyone’s lips for a couple of years now, but Arsenal is rarely included as a serious suitor, despite an obvious interest. Because everyone is interested. So, of course, we would be.

But again, who could take the Gunners seriously in this pursuit? He’s going to cost £90m. That’s way beyond what we’re supposed to have available.

Think about Mesut Ozil. Mesut Ozil’s signing was impossible. We didn’t make signings like him. He was way too high profile, way too much of a superstar, and way too expensive. Arsenal’s previous highest signing happened in 2003, when they bought Jose Antonio Reyes for £22m.

Yet there they go, spending £42m on Mesut Ozil. Just like that, Arsenal proved that they can do it for the right person. And for Wenger, Ozil has always been the right person.

So now we have Kai Havertz, who is going to cost £90m and everyone is saying we can’t do it. That he’s either too big for Arsenal, or too expensive to be a realistic option. Whichever you choose, he’s out of our grasp.

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Just like Ozil was.

Yet, Havertz’s £90m is just £18m more than our previous record signing Nicolas Pepe. Nicolas Pepe, who was also impossible to sign. Because the Gunners didn’t make signings like that. He was too expensive and had too may suitors.

What do Pepe and Ozil have in common? They were both perfect for the job we needed and we spent the money to get them.

Kai Havertz is the exact same. He’s too expensive, too big of a name and impossible. Just like Ozil and Pepe were. But he’s also priced for the product that he is, he’s exactly what we need and we can offer him the throne of the No. 10 position, which is arguably our biggest need. That makes him far from impossible, it makes him our next biggest signing. All Mikel Arteta has to do is see him as the solution and we will get him. Because we are Arsenal Football Club and that still means far more than the media wants us to believe.

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Havertz reveres Ozil and we can make him the next Ozil. So don’t tell me anything about how this move is impossible.

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