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#afc spokesman response: “Gunnersaurus is not extinct and will return to action when fans are allowed back at matches.” : Gunners

Seems like Arsenal and Özil are playing tit-for-tat. Yes, Arsenal shouldn’t have made Gunnersauras redundant, but we don’t fully know the reasoning. I’m sure they can afford but maybe other staff who’d lost their jobs already were complaining about Gunnersaurus since there’s no fans. We can’t really do much besides speculate.

HOWEVER, Özil’s good deed was as much in ill-faith as it was in good-faith. He didn’t consult the club and he clearly shows he’s looking to further this tit-for-tat game against Arsenal management. Not blaming him for doing so, especially if he feels he’s been treated unfairly, just calling out what’s happening here.

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