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Arsenal should keep David Luiz but only with lower wages according to ex-Gunner Merson. “He never hides. He makes a mistake and comes right back again. He came out and said it was his fault. He’s honest, and he’s never out injured. I have a lot of respect for him in that way” : Gunners

Thats the problem Paul my friend. Chelsea, Liverpool, city… in all this important games he completely fucked us. I don’t care if he’s honest and a good guy or whatever, or he regrets it cause the guy will make the same mistake again and again, we can’t aim anything with him playing, we can’t feel safe with him playing, he has experience a lot of people say but this guy just keeps doing the same mistakes always since his chelsea days. The only time he had a good season was when he had azpi, matic, kante and cahill covering him. Not only that, now we have Kia fucking us again with another deal with Cedric being paid and being injured since january, we can’t aim to be a good team with this kind of decision. I want him and his agent out of this club, not cause i dislike him as a person, i really don’t give a fuck if he can tell good jokes or wtv, he’s a not an example for the young players we have here.

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