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CdS: New Juventus coach Andrea Pirlo is after a right back. For him, the clear first choice is Arsenal’s Hector Bellerin, even if he is likely to cost at least €30m cash

It’s not turning on him. It’s a natural consequence of poor team performances over the past 3-4 years, at some point you have to say enough is enough and make an attempt to change in an effort to improve.

Arsenal has been poor for a long time with a crappy defence even with him before the injury.

The defence continued to play bad whilst he was injured. Almost a year later after he returned from injury his presence on our defence did not have the positive effect as we all hoped, if anything it got worse.

On top of that it’s clear that his level of play has declined. Without his blazing speed Bellerin just just an ordinary player without any outstanding qualities. If we can get a large sum of money for him before other teams find out just how much he has declined then we’re got lucky.

Simply put our team sucks and we cannot afford to keep the status quo by keeping some of our fan favourites, they are part of the problem and this includes Bellerin. We have to make tough decisions in order to improve. If we want our defence to get better we needed to look at upgrading the personnel throughout our defence. So far Saliba, Gabriel and Tierney have been added across the back four and Bellerin now is next in the crosshairs.

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