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Distance covered per match by the Big Six teams this season. Arsenal lead the pack. : Gunners

This. This is actually very revealing data. Arteta has drilled the constant adjustments to every player’s movements at all stages of the match. We are so hard working now, and dynamic. It’s very rare to see any players just standing around waiting to receive the ball. We are constantly stretching play our off – the – ball pressing, and organization is a day and night change from pre-arteta. Our on – the – ball movement is players rotating vertices of triangles amongst themselves, false runs to overload flanks, higher yardage with dribbling, not to mention a much higher tempo that we play at in general now. Good to see data back up objectively what our eyes can subjectively see. Still lots of room for improvement, but in Arteta I trust. He has not let us down so far. My manager!!!

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