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Fiorentina highly interested in Lucas Torreira : Gunners

Do teams normally fully cover a player’s wages when on loan? Like, didn’t Barca cover some of Coutinho’s wages when he was at Bayern this season and didn’t that German team ask us to cover 3/4 of kola’s wage (same of El Neny and the Turkish clubs after him)? I don’t think it’s laughable, or even atypical, to split wages when a player is on loan.

The irritation or “being offended” for offers for Torreira from Italy are that they offer loans with options to buy, or if they purchase, it’s only a small amount upfront with the total sum being quite low. I consider that a bad offer because not only does it not provide us much any short-term liquidity like a normal discounted transfer out, but it’s a low sum overall and, in the case of the loan to buy, there’s also no certainty that the Italian club will actually make the purchase, which makes it tough to plan financially as you don’t know if the income is coming or not. Meanwhile, we run the risk of the player not playing well and losing further value on his future transfer, while also running down another year on the contract that loses us leverage in transfer negotiations.

I suppose this kind of setup works if you really want to get a player off your books (Mhiki, Alexis, Smalling, Bakayoko), but even if they perform well at the club, the Italian team will almost never actually exercise the buy option, will try to negotiate a piss poor transfer, and the player force the hand of the selling club by saying they only want to go back to that Italian team since it revitalized they’re career, meaning you may just have to tear up the player’s contract and settle for getting rid of the wages. Add to that Torreira is actually good and we’re not trying to simply get him off our books, and it makes these transfer offers bad.

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