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[James Pearce] Bayern reached out to Arsenal & Chelsea in hopes of creating a bidding war, but it never developed. Sources indicate that other potential suitors were quoted salary demands of £17M/yr (£327k pw). Thiago’s contract with Liverpool is about £200k pw, lower than Bayern’s offer of 230k pw. : Gunners

His wage demands for non Liverpool teams was basically a fuck off demand. No other team was seriously in for him.

I have to be honest, Liverpool frustrates me so much. I remember 8-10 years ago or so, they were the laughing stock of the previous top 4 (before city came onto the scene). Fast forward a few years past the Rodgers era, and it’s honestly incredible. I would say Liverpool have had 3 truly great seasons and now their pull is insane. Their recruitment, barring the blip in the VVD saga has been very good, and it seems like they are able to pull off deals in an incredibly advantageous way for themselves. Then I look and see what sort of a clusterfuck Gazidis and Raul have left and it makes me sad man.

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