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OTD in 1996, Arsene Wenger, our iconic, most successful and longest serving manager, officially joined Arsenal : Gunners

Its weird how long Wenger has been with us.

When he joined us in 1996: AMN, Nketiah, Willock and Nelson, four players who would play under him, weren’t even born.

Tony Adams had gome 7 weeks sober. Ian Wright and Steve Bould were still players. Gary Lineker wasn’t on MOTD.

Football wasn’t all about spending. The gap between the lower leagues and the Premier Leafue was small (compared to today)

Windows 95 was the popular OS at the time. Dial up internet was mainstream and Netscape Navigator was still the most popular web browser, though Internet Explorer was catching up. LCD monitors didnt even exist outside research labs (first publicly availablr one came in 1997). Smartphones didnt really exist.

Nightclubbing and nightlife was close to its peak and people were more extroverted.

When he left us in 2018: He managed 222 players in 22 seasons, some of who were born after he first joined us.

The world started a transition of moving fully online. Windows 10 is the main OS woth Chrome as the main browser. There many different model smartphones.

People have become more introverted as theu focus their life online

We began our decline which contined under Emery and hopefully has ended under Arteta

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