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Ozil’s Europa League squad omission is symbolic of Arsenal’s faith in Arteta : Gunners

I’m sure if we had sold more players in the summer, he would have been involved, but we all know why he’s been omitted.

Sokratis’ makes sense because we’re actively trying to shift him, but Özil’s is clearly symptomatic of the time he’s been enduring in the years since Wenger departed.

I just can’t understand how you can spin this into a positive PR-wise. You’ve made fifty-five staff redundant and just made our mascot redundant as well, how you can you possibly justify having a £350,000-a-week player not even on the bench when the team lacks creativity and there is clearly no issue with him or Arteta?

Whether you love or hate Özil, surely its a better use of £1.4m-a-month to play the fucker? Even if he’s just a sub, it makes far more sense to play him than to just leave him out, especially since the reasons for his omission haven’t actually been explained to us.

This is looking remarkably like the club are punishing Özil for not taking a paycut during the lockdown and every day we don’t give a reason for not playing him, the more difficult it becomes to actually dispel that rumour.

I love Arteta and have total faith in him and what he’s trying to do, but yeah, this couldn’t have been handled worse if they tried. There is no communication, Özil’s omission from the matchday squad every week becomes a story in itself and no one seems to want to address the elephant in the room that we’re not creating enough in this team and Özil would surely be worth a punt in that regard?

Özil doesn’t help himself, but the club’s handling of the situation has been pretty shambolic to say the least.

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