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Thomas Partey is now an Arsenal player. Here is a thread with some background on him, style of play and how/why he will fit at Arsenal. ⬇️ (@davidjaca) : Gunners

Been a lotta optimism about him.

If the ball carrying ability holds up, should make up for his weaknesses(seeming one footed, two touch preference) a little bit.

Still don’t think we make top 4 but we haven’t done our chances any harm picking up the required 9 points from our first 4. As others have said I’m very excited for a Partey, Elneny(my preference if Partey’s ball carrying ability genuinely translates)/Xhaka(home games/low block teams like Leicester)/Ceballos double pivot and Saka/Willian/Pepe behind Auba.

Those vertical passes to the edge of the box, that we have struggled to complete so far this season, that all of our mids are capable of playing, will be a lot more effective with those 3 behind Auba.

Laca’s holdup play and touch just hasn’t been good enough this season which is a shame because he also offers a presence there usually. But should be much better with both Saka and Willian starting tbh, both hold ball up well with amazing touch, true one touch abilities.

I definitely want to see an Elneny Partey double pivot honestly, both have some level of press resistance and I think they can help unlock each other since Mo can shield the defense, he can drop deep to form a back 3 in possession too and his long passing seems to have improved a lot, Partey can also help Mo get forward more(alternating roles) if required. He made a great run for the first goal. Mo is also a good one touch player and always makes himself open for the pass which we need next to Partey who seems to take time on the ball.

Partey/Aouar would’ve been amazing 🙁

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