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Very good article from a few months ago from our boy Emi, really hope he gets a shot at the #1 spot : Gunners

I don’t think we should sell either of them. Keep both and let them fight it out next season. Based on recent form there is no reason Emi shouldn’t keep his spot but I want to see him do it over the course of a season with a crowd in the ground. Also, Leno has been brilliant for us. He got injured and that’s why Emi got his chance but I have no doubt he would still be our No 1. Knee jerk reactions in a position of strength like this will only weaken us over the course of a season. And lastly, and this is not a slight on Emi, but we have seen players come in, play brilliantly for a while and decline. Again I’m not saying this will be the case with Emi but to risk selling Leno and then have this happen would be silly.

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