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3 things to ponder from draw

Arsenal, Alexandre Lacazette (Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)

Arsenal managed a hard-fought, yet frustrating draw against Leicester City. Here are three things to ponder following the result.

Arsenal‘s good form has continued and we are now five unbeaten. However, the result against Leicester City feels like a defeat after we let the Foxes escape with a point when we should have been comfortable winners after we squandered several chances in the first half.

We can blame VAR and poor officiating for the result all we like, but the reality is that yet again, we shot ourselves in the foot.

After this result, it looks like our Champions League hopes are over for another season, barring a miracle run of results over the next four games.

Here are 3 things to ponder after tonights game,

3. Why are we so slack in the second half? 

Again, it was a game of two halves. The first half was arguably the best performance I have seen from us this year. The movement on and off the ball was immense and Leicester looked rattled every time we attacked.

They particularly struggled to cope with Aubameyang and Saka.

But for the umpteenth time under Mikel Arteta, we fell away in the second half and dropped our intensity. Bar a deflected free-kick from David Luiz, we didn’t test Kasper Schmeichel at all in the second half.

It’s becoming a real source of frustration that we are unable to compete for 90 minutes. Whether it’s a fitness issue or a mentality issue, it’s something that Mikel Arteta needs to fix. Ideally, before next season, as we are giving away points too cheaply due to this.

On to ponder No. 2.

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