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4 years ago — Xhaka from long range : Gunners

I love XhakaBOOMS as much of the next guy, but this goal vs Norwich last season might be my favorite goal of his of all time. Far more practical of a goal due to coming from a chance with a much higher conversion rate, made possible by his late run and movement.

The issue with this goal is it would almost be suicidal to allow Xhaka to make these runs constantly as we don’t have another DM behind him, and we would get rinsed on the counter sooner than later. If we bring a player like Partey in, Xhaka would be allowed more freedom to do this sort of thing in a 3 man midfield, and inversely Xhaka could stay back for Partey to make the run forward as well. We just need more goals from our midfield, 100%

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