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An article on changes brought by Arteta in 8 months. Do give a read and give your feedback. Really appreciate it. : Gunners

Hey so I read through and have a few notes(not an expert by any means so think what you will):

  1. Some of the info you provide is unproven(example: guendouzi being dropped) we don’t know why he was dropped and it could be more reasons that the one you cited.

  2. You provide a recap of events from Wenger leaving to now but don’t really add anything of your own. Try doing some analysis or narrowing down your focus(example: how Arteta has improved Xhaka and mustafi, etc…)

  3. The last one I think will take more time and I hope you don’t get discouraged, your writing style is really basic and a little bit boring to engage with. I think this is mainly down to the repetitious sentence structures you use. (Emery did…, then he…, which led too…) that and a little bit more diversity of vocabulary, with your voice integrated throughout will go a long way to make your writing more engaging. What’s special about you and how you write and think about football that will make people want to read or educate others?

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