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Arsenal will go back in for Aouar & are still in talks with his agent. Sales may make the deal possible. If no offers come to Lyon in the coming weeks they may allow price negotiations with Arsenal who are keen. Currently the price stands firmly at €60m/£54.5M : Gunners

I’m fairly certain it’s going to stay that way. No other team (a team that Lyon will sell to) needs an AM enough to pay up just like that. Man city have enough midfielders, Juve aren’t really liquid thanks to their massive wage bill, and their midfield of Arthur-Bentancur-Rabiot is actually fairly well balanced already. Man Utd just signed DVB, Liverpool seemed focused on Thiago, Chelsea got Havertz, Bayern have a midfield stacked enough, Lyon would probably sell to us for cheap than see Aouar go th PSG, Real Madrid are stacked in the midfield as it is, and Barcelona are looking at other areas for rebuilding.

We can and should pull the tactic that Italians are trying to do with us right now. We’d still have to pay up for Aouar, but I think we can lower that price to closer to 45 mil and perhaps throw partey in the mix too.

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