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As promised, Elite 2 WL recap with Past/Present Arsenal team : Gunners

Previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/g0qfb0/been_able_to_assemble_a_pretty_sick_pastpresent/

Decided to go with Overmars over Gabi.

Record: 25-4 https://i.imgur.com/XjsMsUy.jpg

Formation: 4231 Ramsey-Vieira CDMs, Henry at CAM, Ozil at ST.

Player Reviews:

Henry (24g, 13a): A big upgrade on his prime but still a little clunky/clumsy. This matters because the lack of 5*WF means you have to try and get him on his right foot which becomes difficult due to his frame. Played him at CAM because of this (9/10)

Ozil (29g, 19a): Favorite card on the game. 10/10 finishing, 10/10 passing, 9/10 dribbling (10/10)

Overmars (11g, 12a): Finishing is hit or miss. Decent dribbling but basically a speed merchant (8/10)

Pepe (14g, 9a): 9/10 dribbling. 8.5/10 finishing but you MUST get him on his left foot (8/10)

Ramsey (3g, 14a): Biggest surprise of the weekend. Fantastic offensive CDM. Greatest compliment I can give him is that I used 90 Gullit for 500 games and while he doesn’t fill his shoes, he didn’t make me miss him TOO much (9/10)

Vieira (2g, 3a): A ROCK. A TANK. But we knew that. Can’t imagine how his PIM card feels. My next goal (9.5/10)

Tierney (2a): Best LB on the game imo. Used TOTY Robbo and FB Theo Hernandez (10/10)

Luiz (2a): Best CB on the game imo. Used TOTY VVD but haven’t used Moments Ramos (10/10)

Campbell (2a): Absolute bully. Passing is actually not as bad as the stats say. Top 10 CB on the game (9/10)

Bellerin (2a): Very very good. Probably the fastest RB I’ve used on the game (8.5/10)

Lehmann (n/a): About as good as most keepers on the game. Nothing special (8/10)

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