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Boris Johnson says fans can return to sports stadiums from October : Gunners


Green light for fans to return to stadiums: Boris Johnson announces sports grounds could let spectators back in from October with test events starting NEXT MONTH in the latest lifting of the UK’s lockdown

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced crowds could return to sports stadiums in the United Kingdom from October subject to successful pilot events. 

Sports events have taken place without crowds in attendance since March because of the risk of spreading coronavirus.

But laying out the next steps to lifting lockdown on Friday morning, Johnson said: ‘From October we intend to bring back audiences in stadiums.

‘In a Covid secure way subject to the successful outcome of pilots.’  

It raises the possibility that only the first month of the 2020-21 football season will be played out behind closed doors, with supporters allowed back in the autumn.

Sportsmail reported last week that Premier League clubs have informed fans they expect they’ll be able to return to attend matches early next season. 

More to follow.  

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