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Mikel Arteta – Arsenal v Liverpool – Embargoed Pre-Match Press Conference

  • It will be difficult to have the full squad available for selection tomorrow, due to a variety of factors but including quarantine protocols (Bellerin?)

  • Never promised we would be challenging for the top this year, just promise that we will give it our all to challenge for the top and the top is always the goal. It’s up to us to reach that goal through preparation, quality, and a little bit of luck

  • The redundancies were a difficult decision, but it was important to restructure to build for the future, the club was very convincing that this was the right way forward

  • Players took a pay cut to provide security for as long as possible but that does not mean they will get a say in every business decision the club makes going forward

  • The decision to take the pay cut was not based on a guarantee it was optional. Players and management chose to take it to support the club that has supported them through injury, bad spells, and good spells

  • Arteta emphasizes the club supported him personally for many many years

  • Raul left on good terms, it was another difficult decision and Arsenal will update us on the new approach to transfers and squad management once it is finalized

  • This is an important transfer window but it’s going to be a longer process than a single window

  • the club had already budgeted for many of the moves we’ve made so far (Mari and Cedric permanent deals, Saka/Martinelli/Auba extensions)

  • it’s a strange market with a long time to go, at least for a certain caliber of player, it seems that prices and activity has not slowed down at all

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