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“Mikel has created something special at Arsenal; he is the right man for the job; he needs to be supported with investments.” : Gunners

I rather we leave the money talk off the table until further notice.

If everything is wrong except the tactics, then the tactics are probably wrong too.

Pep knows this, Pep’s shown this, Pep is an effective manager: he’ll take a team to second place, third place, sometimes even straight to 1st, and complain about the state of his squad after its all said and done, after its won, after he’s done what he has to do to instill confidence in himself, in his visions, and his prospects.

Right now, we’re levitating between 8th, 9th and 10th, vying for 6th, crying out for a few investments that can take us to 4th. All while OGS, Mourinho, Rodgers, Lampard, and even Nuno fucking Santo are levitating above us with similarly broken teams, and no ones begging their boards to support them, because they know money is only a small part of the equation – results talk.

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