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Sub Rules Update and Reminder : Gunners

Just a quick update to the rules from the mod team.

We understand now that Silly Season has reared its ugly head again, that we’re going to be seeing a lot of transfer rumours swirling around.

We know that Arsenal are looking at a number of players, but the one that seems to be developing the most traction is Gabriel from Lille.

Everyone knows that Arsenal and Napoli are the two most likely destinations for him (unless Manchester United decide to blow everyone out of the water with a ridiculous last minute bid) and that the player is in the final stages of making his decision as to where he will join next and is only a few years/months/weeks/days/hours away from making a decision on where he will end up.

We really don’t need the same thread posted 800 times and it’s starting to clog the sub up.

For this reason, the mod team have decided to bring in a new rule, which is that we will no longer be allowing journalist replies as posts.

These posts never reveal new information (otherwise, they would tweet it out normally) and just serves as a way to reinforce the same information that we have all been fed a hundred times over.

We are also clamping down on news aggregator posts. We have said before in previous rule updates that we do not allow news aggregators to be posted unless the original source cannot be found, we ask that users please follow this rule and we also ask that any sources that are posted have the name of the source in the title, for example:

Fabrizio Romano: r/Gunners mods are a bunch of party poopers who have gone mad with power

Is accepted, whereas:

r/Gunners mods are a bunch of party poopers who have gone mad with power

Is not. Please list the source when posting from other websites or tweets.

We’re not going to ban people (despite what the flair said on the other post), we’re just asking people to stop spamming the same information slightly re-worded onto the sub and that isn’t just for the Gabriel saga, it’s for every other transfer as well.

We will still allow these to be posted on the sub, but in the Daily Discussion post, not as it’s own post.

We are also asking people not to try and get around the automod filter. By this, we mean that there is a reason why certain sites are automodded so as to prevent people from posting from bad sources, for instance, Joe.co.uk or Bleacher Report. These are not reputable sources and they are filtered out for a reason, please do not try to circumvent the rules by posting it as a text post.

And one final thing, please don’t tag mods when trying to report stuff, it’s easier to just report the post and we’ll see it much quicker, tagging mods only makes it harder.

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