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[Swiss Ramble] AFC received no funding in last 5 years, either from Kroenke or the bank. In contrast, they made £101m payments (debt £40m & interest £61m). Also paid KSE £6m for “advisory services”. Recently KSE repaid £160m bonds, replaced with owner loan, presumably at a lower interest rate. : Gunners

Love Arsenal, Love Arteta, support the team. But fuck the Kroenkes

Edit: downvote me sure, but im not talking about pumping money into the club like man city or chelsea. Mismanagement with picking leaders of management and allowing big power sturggles within the club post wenger era shows they are quite passive. Also an initial investment into your newly bought club is not at all unheard of (even if its not to the extent as the previously mentioned clubs). Thats all i want, when Arsenal is going badly more active ownership, not that hard.

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