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v. Everton, 2017. : Gunners

Honestly think this is one of my favorite Özil plays so far. Danny Welbz contributes extremely well during the build-up, but Mesut’s just on another level. It seems so easy for him as he passes and feints his way through about 6 Everton defenders. His entire Batman-belt of tricks and mannerisms is on display here, and his final pass leads to a Ramsey finish so good it almost makes the dead celebrity worth it.

Fun facts about this game:

  • It’s not often you see a team control the game after going a player down in the opening 15 minutes, but that’s exactly what Arsenal did here. Even after Laurent Koscielny was shown red for a bad challenge on Enner Valencia, the Gunners’ lead never seemed threatened. It was the second time Koscielny had been sent off in the opening 15 minutes of a Premier League game; remarkably, he’s the only player in PL history to have accomplished that.

  • Of course, the only stain on this play is that the 3-1 win it gave us was not enough to snap up a Champions League spot, with Liverpool finishing one point ahead of us after beating Middlesbrough the same day. 16/17 was the first time we’d miss out on CL football for 20 years.

  • With our FA cup final coming up, the Wenger-out protests were largely muted for this game. Chants and banners directed towards American owner Stan Kroenke, on the other hand, were prevalent.

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