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Arsenal vs Tottenham: Alexandre Lacazette or bust

Arsenal’s striker situation has just been thrown a wrench, and it’s all up to Alexandre Lacazett to determine what happens next.

Arsenal had a pretty good thing going up top since the restart. Mikel Arteta did a tremendous job rotating between Eddie Nketiah and Alexandre Lacazette in a strategy that kept them both on their toes for want of being replaced.

It was a first for Lacazette, who’d had a bit of a free run to the striker position since his arrival. His only competitor was Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, but since he’s become a left winger, it’s not like Lacazette is facing any competition there.

But with exit rumors swirling and a younger striker nipping at his heels, it felt inevitable that Lacazette’s run was at an end. Especially since Arteta had all but committed to Nketiah before the pause.

That said, Nketiah has just received a red card that will see him suspended for three matches, giving Lacazette another free run at the striker position. At least for another three matches, which is nearly the rest of the season.

For now, though, we’re talking about Tottenham. Because against Tottenham, Lacazette won’t be feeling any pressures whatsoever. He’ll be completely unfettered. Nketiah is far from a return and any potential exit is far away enough that it shouldn’t be weighing in his mind.

Rather, it should be all eyes on the rivalry that, depending on his affection for the badge, should mean a good deal to him.

I don’t think it can be overstated just how important Lacazette is for this match. Especially seeing all of the opportunities he missed against Leicester. Miss may of those against Spurs and we could live to regret it, but without an alternative, it’ll be Lacazette or bust.

Of course, that’s unless Arteta goes with my front three plan. But assuming he doesn’t…

Lacazette plays such an elevated role of importance because if he gets into his head and can’t sort out his confidence, we’re stuck with him and his own frustrations. Which is damn frustrating. I know that he does more than score goals (thankfully), but that side hustle has been hit more and more by his confidence issues as well. It’s time to stuff the sorrows aside and focus on Spurs. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

Next: 5 Key Players vs Spurs

I hope not, because I can’t think of many people more important than him.

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