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William Saliba doesn’t need a partner, he is the partner

According to numerous sources out there, Arsenal is shopping for a centerback partner for William Salib, but why? They already have the guy.

Arsenal‘s defense has gone from the one thing nobody wanted to talk about to the thing everyone wants to talk about. Probably because it’s the only position that is only going to get better, despite being in an already good place.

Think about it, the midfield is in an alright place, but we’re not sure what comes next for it. And the attack is in what should be a good place, but it’s probably slowing down, or speeding up? Who knows.

The defense, though, has become the focal point of this Arsenal team, and, more than that, it is only going to get better when Mikel Arteta starts bringing in new personnel. The first of which is William Saliba, who is already on his way. But who will he bring in as the partner to Saliba?

Arsenal doesn’t need a partner for Saliba, he is the partner

No one. Because he doesn’t need to. Well, if we let David Luiz go, we should be bringing someone new in, but that someone new doesn’t have to be the natural partner to William Saliba.

The natural partner is—no surprises here—Calum Chambers.

Again, take care to remember that every time Chambers is given the starting job, he crushes it. Also, not only does he crush it, but he gets better every single time he starts. The issues he once had are ironed out, he looks like a top Premier League defender and, surprise surprise, that’s exactly what the Gunners need.

In fact, Calum Chambers is in such a place that he shouldn’t be considered the solution to the William Saliba partnership question at all. Rather, Saliba should be seen as the partnership answer to Calum Chambers, who should be our No. 1 centerback as soon as he is healthy again.

Which, even more surprises, he is!

It’s unclear when Chambers will be back to full speed, and it must be taken into account that he will be rusty. But June 17th is still a few weeks away, meaning that there is a feasible chance that we see Chambers again by the end of the season.

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Thus even further establishing himself as the No. 1 centerback on the team. Plus, for being so young, he has a ton of experience in the Premier League and could feasibly take on the veteran role.

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