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A detailed submission has already been made as to what Arteta wants with Edu having done a huge amount of work on identifying the right recruits and already carrying out due diligence and background checks. Arteta is not, according to sources, demanding the earth : Gunners

Like Ornstein said a while ago a LW, CM, and CB and we are in a much better spot. We need to also keep at least one of Aubameyang and Lacazette.

With Martinelli out the first half of the year a LW is a bigger priority. Can really round out that front 3 and take some of the pressure off of Saka while he is still developing.

CM is our biggest hole, also with Guendouzi likely leaving I could see us getting 2 CMs. The new one we planned on and one in to replace Guendouzi’s role, I think this will likely be Ceballos.

CB we have a lot of numbers but no quality so an improvement there, as well as moving some of our numbers in Sokratis and one of Mustafi/Holding is a priority.

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