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Arteta. “If we minimise the mistakes we do and keep playing like that, we will win many, many football games.” : Gunners

Aside from the first 15 minutes and the minute after Laca’s goal, we played very well. Ceballos was a stand out for me, as was Xhaka. But stupid individual errors and unlucky finishes from Auba undid us. To be honest I’m actually very disappointed with Auba this match, but that’s neither here nor there since he’s carried us on his back basically all season.

My takeaway is this: get rid of Kola, bring in one or two CB’s, and bring in two CM’s, one of which can be promising but we need one established CM and one established CB. We have the pieces back our back line will undo any sort of progress we make at the other end, and today was a prime example. Lacazette scores an absolute banger in the early stages. If Kola didn’t fuck off with a pass, we could ha e used that momentum to snag another and I’m sure of that.

And short side note, Arteta needs to be quicker with the subs.

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