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Arteta (Özil is the Arsenal player that created the highest number of chances) “I don’t know. I try to make the best decision for the team and the club. All the time I try, sometimes I get it right, sometimes I get it wrong and sometimes I get it very wrong. I will try my best” : Gunners

As long as we continue to create FUCK all, ozil will keep coming up. If arteta plays ozil and we continue to be as insipid as we’ve been, a majority of the blame, will be put on ozil, sometimes rightfully, sometimes not. Most fans will slate ozil because he isn’t the 15/16 ozil no more and even if he does something of note, it will also mean our midfield will be that much more porous defensively. This fucking saga is tiring to no end, that ozil recontract will go down as one of, if not, the worst piece of business we’ve done simply because of all the other businesses we’ve done/not done in midfield.

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