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David Luiz’s deal has been met with universal scorn, but for Mikel Arteta there was never a question about whether he should leave.

The jury is still out on Arteta but for Lampard — he does have more experience then him.

That being said, Lampard had the luxury to let him go and had a summer to do so.

Arteta on the other hand has been thrown into the deep end with the bad luck of injury and a pandemic that may or may have not effected our finances severely.

He doesn’t have the luxury of being too ruthless just yet as he hasn’t had the time to bring in his own proper men.

How I see it, Luiz is a horrible defender — now. It may have come down to keeping him as a body to fill the lineup with the bad luck & injury crisis that has plagued us vs letting him go and run risk of running out senior CBs thru injury or god knows what.

We can only speculate but only time will tell

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