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FABREGAS ON FIRE! | Arsenal 6-2 Blackburn | Showstoppers

We’ve definitely being seeing a lot of Cesc lately. Even the official channel chose this game to highlight at this moment. Even Arseblog managed to get an interview with him. Could be nothing more than coincidence, could be Fabregas PR reaching out to his former clubs to get his name out there as he begins to transition into punditry.

Either way, that was a great match and showcase of why Cesc was a top 10 midfielder at the time. I never bedgrude any player wanting to move to win, whether it’s Van Persie or Cesc. But for me, it was an absolute disgrace, the way he conducted himself to get his move to Barca, which resulted in us having absolutely no leverage in negotiations with Barca. We got 35 mil for arguably the best midfielder outside of Xavi and Iniesta at the time.

35 mil. Even with add ons that was completely laughable and an insult to us as a club. It should have been a world record transfer at the time. But we got bullied into the sale. The only upside is that we got Bellerin and Toral in the deal. As well as it paved the way for Arteta to join us. Who knows where that takes us in the future

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