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Martínez has been offered a new contract by AFC but that the parties remain some way apart. Negotiations are ongoing but Villa are prepared to improve on Arsenal’s financial package while promising that he will begin as their first choice. Emi wants to stay but #1 priority is game time. : Gunners

If we are selling it’s for Martinez’s sake, so that he is guaranteed get consistent game time, not for Arsenal’s sake. I don’t get how people can say £20m is a good price for a keeper 1. who is solidifying himself as first choice at Arsenal, 2.played well in the past two seasons, 3. home grown, 4. selling to another PL side? All whilst Chelsea are paying £20m too for a keeper at same age and only played two seasons in a farmer’s league. We would have to buy another backup you know and no one is selling good keepers so that’s another 10-15m gone.

Also, what message would that send to the team? you played well, performed at top standard, surprised everyone, helped the team won trophies, have not made a single mistake, and then you get sold. I seriously doubt Arteta would do something like that. But hey never mind the morale and culture that we are trying to build, as long as we get a new shiny transfer.

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