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Sent email to feedback@arsenal.co.uk to ask about the layoffs : Gunners

Going to copy in a comment from the other thread here but I also think we should be condemning the cuts right from the get go.

I think it’s also worth adding that this is an opportunity to be heard as a fan base. For too long, KSE and the board have ignored the pleas of fans which has led to a regression in the team’s competitiveness.

The more they get away with, the more they’re willing to try and the less they’re willing to listen. Whether it’s this, Kia Joorabchian’s influence over our transfer policy, the handling of Emery’s sacking, the continued price of tickets, or any other of the myriad of issues we’ve seen at executive level, in the past year alone, it’s time that we do something to make sure that we maintain a voice within the club. If we want things to change, we have to let our numbers show here, just as the Liverpool fans did for both ticketing and furlough.

It takes a minute or two to send an email but collectively, it could make a massive difference.

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