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Tifo Football’s Alex Stewart and Champions League Places Chat : Gunners

Hi everyone! As you know I am a big Arsenal fan and I just recorded this chat with Alex Stewart from Tifo Football. If you want to hear the Arsenal bit you can skip to near the end. I try to be as objective as possible about our team and our performances. Would be interested to see if you agree/ disagree with our points.

LINK: http://gmspodcast.com/2020/03/29/podcast-tifo-footballs-alex-stewart-and-champions-league-places-chat/

I hope you are all keeping well and as positive as possible at the moment. I also hope that the podcast fills a little bit of the football shaped holes in your lives. If you want you are also more than welcome to send me questions and I could make another Arsenal based podcast.

Keep safe and I hope you enjoy the content.

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