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Victory Through Harmony – A Call to Action in Response to Racial Injustice : Gunners

In light of the tragic killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, subsequent protests, and the vital conversations now happening in the United States and around the world, the moderators of r/gunners would like to take a moment to call our community to action.

As we contemplate widespread racial injustice and consider how we might best respond to it, let each of us be inspired by Arsenal’s long-standing motto. Victoria Concordia Crescit translates roughly to victory through harmony. What wisdom does this message offer us? Like all battles worth fighting, the fight against racial injustice will be won through collective, constructive action.

The first step toward building harmony is for each of us to put our mouths where our hearts are and our money where our mouths are. Engage in conversations about race. Work to understand the struggles of people who don’t look like you. Defend their freedom, their safety, and their security. Do not stand idly by when you encounter racism in the wild. Have some skin in the game.

For those in the community who feel led to make a monetary contribution, we would like to recommend the following funds. We welcome contributions from the community to help grow this list.

Victim Memorial Funds

Policy Reform and Political Activism Funds

For a more exhaustive list of funds, as well as petitions, protest info, and educational resources we recommend you check out ally.wiki.

DONATION HACK: Companies Matching Employee Donations

There are a number of tech companies committed to matching employee donations to these and other related funds. Many of these companies even match at 3x or higher. This hack is easy – just find a friend who works for one of these companies, send them money to include in one of their donations, and watch your contribution be multiplied.

  • 23andme

  • Airbnb

  • Apple

  • Bank of America

  • Biogen

  • BNY Mellon

  • Bravado

  • Chubb

  • Dell

  • Duolingo

  • Etsy

  • Gatsby

  • GE

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Google

  • Help Scout

  • Intel

  • John Hancock

  • JPMorgan

  • Kleiner Perkins

  • Liberty Mutual

  • LinkedIn

  • MassMutual

  • Microsoft

  • MFS

  • Netflix

  • Niantic

  • Oracle

  • Sequoia Capital

  • Shell Oil

  • Slack

  • Stitch Fix

  • TripAdvisor

  • Tufts

  • Vertex

  • Verizon

  • Visa

  • Wayfair

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