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Yellow cards per foul for Arsenal games this season compared to the rest of the league : Gunners

Out of salt from not seeing Bissouma get given a card against Brighton the other day I decided to see if there was any type of bias towards us from refs or if we’re just feeling that way because we’re a bit shit. On average over the entire league this season, teams get a yellow card every 6.34 fouls they commit. Arsenal get a card every 4.97 fouls. This is tied second fewest yellows per fouls with Spurs. So just from that it does seem like refs are a bit stricter with us. The most interesting thing I found was that when teams play us, they get away with 7.73 fouls before they get a yellow card. That’s a difference of 2.76 fouls per yellow card between us and whoever we verse. To me, there seems like there’s a little bit of bias in that stat. I’m not gonna tell you what to make of it but to me it just seems really unfair on us, especially considering how many injuries we’ve received from contact from other players.

Side note: I counted reds as two yellows.

Fun fact: No team we have versed this season has a received a red card!

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