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Happy birthday, @Aubameyang7 ! : Gunners


If I get downvoted fuck it. By the way I’m happy to discuss as always.

Our scouting system is shit. Pepe is not a 72 million pound player and if you say he is your deluded.

We have so many problems to fix it’s not even worth stressing and I’m gonna enjoy the football as it comes. No midfield but worse than that we never ever ever get CB signings right. Saliba we shall see and hopefully he’s a baller in England but man the delusions of some gunners here. One guy got upvoted for saying saliba is the WC CB we signed haha. That is madness if you genuinely believe that.

Look at Chelsea. Forget the past for a minute, they keep making good signings consistently and now even United are getting it right. So have liverpool and city so why can’t we? Aren’t we the same level of club?

I truly believe it stems from our owner and we’re gonna be shit till he leaves but man it’s peak right now. This team is the worst I’ve seen in since 05.

But my fellow gunners why oh why do we keep fucking up? We’ve been getting worse since 2015 and what makes it worse is I don’t believe the current crop of execs can sort this out.

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